Saturday, January 18, 2020

January 2020, Business Meeting

We had a great program in January. The "Bow Tie" block was explained...and this variety has an unusual knot idea in the center.

Show-n-tell held our attention as these projects were shared.

Also, membership booklets were distributed. If you need an electronic copy use the Contact Form at the right side bar to request one (members only).

December 2019, Business Meeting & Christmas Party

We had a short business meeting in December so we could get right to the Christmas Party! But, we didn't forget Show-n-Tell.

 This is the only photo I got, but it is the reason for the season...and a beautiful quilt; so I'm glad I remembered the camera at least for it. A gorgeous tree skirt was shared as well, sorry to have not gotten a good photo of it and the other items shared.

The dinner was pot-luck and the food was so enjoyable (obviously I was so eager to eat that I totally forgot my camera for photos). Then, we had a great party...the decorations were so magnificent; with each table set differently. The Christmas Tree was done up all in blues, with presents for swapping underneath. We also had a huge group of food donations gathered for needy families...super job ladies!

There was a gift swap...and we learned not to be too excited about what we received; as it might not stay in our hands long! There was much fun "stealing" others presents by some (not going to name names....). We laughted, joked, and had loads of fun!

Marla and her Christmas Committee did a wonderful job! Thank you ladies for the beautiful decorations that added such a festive spirit to the event, the little gift baggies that each person had, the food donations for the families, and the fun of gift swapping during the party; and FOOD! (I'm hungry just remembering that!)

November 2019 Business Meeting

There was lot's of great EYE CANDY during Show'n'Tell portion of the business meeting in November. Well done ladies!

Plus, a very informative Tool Time discussion with great examples!