Sunday, September 13, 2020

August Business Meeting

 We have "finally" be able to meet since COVID began! Extra precautions have required that we align our seating so that folks are at least six feet apart (families can sit together). ALL MEMBERS attending MUST wear a face mask during the entire meeting. Also, we are suspending the service of food because folks would need to remove their mask to eat it...and, we' need to be closer together than the six foot distance recommended by the State's Social Distancing guidelines.

But, this has not stopped our fun entirely. Here are the photos of Show'n'Tell tis month!

Thank you to Annette Fagan for stepping in as our temporary President during these past few months since Beverly's departure. At this August meeting we voted and installed the new officers that were proposed at the last official meeting we held in April (so long ago!).

Our new slate of officers are:

President - Kathy Shaw

Vice President - Sharon Emann

Treasurer- Margarita Miranda

Secretary - Ann Jones

Thanks ladies for stepping up and offering to serve!

There are a LOT of new activities planned for the remainder of this year and beyond; so hope you can make the meeting in September where we'll talk about all of this!